web applications - BanBuilder Banned-Word List Generator - Would You Use It? -
Why BanBuilder?
Designed for BanBuilder you allow to customize your restricted word list, and are constantly evolving as people get new ways around restricted words (for example letters Instead of using symbols), they add to the database and all its free!
This idea sounds great, but some people have added a few words, which may not be banned, e.g. "Unmarried" is probably not a swear word, nor a price is banned. Certainly no DIY site is being helpful either by banning "screw".
Is anything useful that can be useful, whose wide range is possible, who has done the people?
I do not think it is very useful.
Perhaps for Kidi site where people think it is extremely important.
However, very aggressive things can be said without using the wrong language, which means that ultimately this is a practice in futility if you ask me.
I like very much 2.0 Sites
IE: "This duck" will probably be edited in approximately 20 seconds.
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