Delphi TCoolBar - CoolBand alignment -
Is it possible to align CoolBands on the left side of the coolbar? This means that when the size of the form changes and the cool band goes to the row given below, the band should be aligned to the left side of the bar (rather than right).
Is Forthmore possible to save the band's adjustment?
If you set the minimum property for each band and set TrueBar AutoSize property to True, So a band wraps it automatically once it's in its miniaturization.
Edit : The above is still true, but it should be expanded - new information from the comments section. The coolbar always tries to fill the width of the control, so your final band is spread to take place if you add Maxwidth barriers to bandwidth control, then they wrap the band and spread like they align rightly Here's the best solution that you need to set your minimum content to whatever needs, but let's set the maximum width of the coolbar.
Save adjustments? Do you mean the exact location of each coolband? If so, I do not think you can store it directly, no. But to reproduce the layout it should be trivial. Store the brake and breadth properties of each band and apply them in sequence. I think your best strategy will be to change the form (or Tcilabar), apply brakes for each band, and then make the width (twice loop) for each band.
If it is not working, you can try to call the Windows message directly it will allow you to set both properties at the same time.
uses the CommCtrl; ... var info: TRebarBandInfo; ... zoramori (@ info, size of info)); Info.cbSize: = sizeoff (info); Info.fMask: RBBIM_SIZE + RBBIM_STYLE; = 400; // Your desired width is Info.fStyle: = RBBS_BREAK + Oldstyle; Sand Message (Coolbar Handel, RB_STBADNFFO, 0, Integer (@Info));
This should work, but you have to do OldStyle above the current style. In return, it will be necessary that you either duplicate the maximum code in TCoolBar.UpdateItem or send the RB_SETBANDINFO message first. Painful, try to break and then provide width.
In the Delphi Windows SDK helpfile, check the Ribber reference for information on all messages if you need them, help url (for help viewer) is MS-help: //embarcadero.rs2009/ ShellCC / platform / commctls / rebar / reflist.htm
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