drupal - Nginx - Treats PHP as binary -

We are running NGN + Fastcgi as backend for our Drupal site. Everything looks fine like this, except for a URL Http: ///sites/all/modules/tinyymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/simimage/index.php

(We're in Drupal Use the TinyMe module, and the above URL will come when the user tries to upload an image)

When we were using Apache, everything was working fine. However, NGNN considers the binary above the URL and tries to download it. (We've verified that the file written by the URL is a valid PHP file)

Any ideas that might be wrong here?

I think this NGINX

any help is greatly appreciated.

Config: Here is the snippet from the NGN configuration file:

  root / var / www /; Index index.php; If (! -e $ request_filename) {rewrite ^ / (. *) $ /index.php?q=$1 final; } Error_page 404 index.php; Place ~ *. (Engine | inc | info | install | module | profile | police | sh *. * * * Class = theme | tpl (\ .php) | | xtmpl) $ | ^ (Code-style \ .pl | entries. * Repository | root | tag | template] $ {deny all;} place ~ * ^. + \. (Jpg | jpeg | gif | png | ico) $ {Access_log off; 7th termination;} place ~ * ^. + \. (Css | js) $ {access_log off; 7d termination;} place ~ .php $ {include /etc/nginx/fcgi.conf; Fastcgi_pass; Fastcgi_index index.php; Fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $ document_root $ fastcgi_script_name; Fastcgi_param QUERY_STRING $ query_string; Fastcgi_param REQUEST_METHOD $ request_method; Fastcgi_param CONTENT_TYPE $ content_type; Fastcgi_param CONTENT_LENGTH $ content_length;} Location ~ /\.ht {Disallow All ;}  

create it

  location ~ \ .php $ { 

instead of

  space ~ .php $ { 


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