How to export sio2 file on iPhone? -

When I export a 3D game sio2 file on the simulator, it is loading but then a black screen appears is.

Anyone can help me with my problem.

P> You must enter the code in the template ranger

  void templateRender (zero) {glMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW); GlLoadIdentity (); Glucer (GL_Depath_BUFFER_BIT | GL_ COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); SIO2camera * _SIO2camera = (SIO2camera *) sio2ResourceGet (sio2-> _SIO2 source, SIO2_CAMERA, "camera / camera"); If (_SIO2camera) {// adjust the perspective, please do not take that this operation should be done only 3 times / every time you switch the camera Sio2Perspective (_SIO2camera-> gt; fov, sio2-> _SIO2window -> SCL-> gtsi / sio2-> _SIO2window-> SCL-> Y, _SIO2camera-> CSTA, _SIO2camera- & gt; Sands); // enter 3D Landscape mode sio2WindowEnterLandscape3D (); {Sio2CameraRender (_SIO2camera); Sio2ResourceRender (sio2- & gt; _SIO2 source, sio2- & gt; _SIO2window, _SIO2camera, SIO2_RENDER_SOLID_OBJECT); } Sio2WindowLeaveLandscape3D (); }}  

Then template loading :

  zero template loading (zero) {unsigned int i = 0; Sio2ResourceCreateDictionary (sio2-> _SIO2 source); Sio2ResourceOpen (sio2-> Source_SIO2, "Tutorial 1.sio2", 1); While (i! = Sio2-> _SIO2resource-> gi.number_entry) {sio2ResourceExtract (sio2-> _SIO2resource, NULL); ++ i; } Sio2ResourceClose (sio2-> _SIO2resource); Sio2ResourceBindAllMatrix (sio2-> _SIO2resource); Sio2ResourceGenId (sio2-> _SIO2resource); Sio2resetstate (); Sio2-> _SIO2window- & gt; _SIO2windowrender = TemplateRenderer; }  
