eclipse - What method should I use for making my java GUI? -
I am making AWT GUI for simulation game I am working with Java for only 2 years, and therefore There is limited experience with the creation of more complex GUIs. I did some simple people, hard coded, and tried to get Jigoo into eclipse. I am thinking of using the MIG layout, although some people say that I really should try Jiglu and use more GUI builder. I have created the main game aspects, with one down at a time. Right now there are some buttons in it that I am using to test the elements of the game. Obviously now I have to create a better interface for the user. The panel with the tabs panel opens buttons and so on.
I am using swings for both games and controls
There is some advice on how I should go about this? Netbans is not very good I am using eclipse as my IDE, so a plugin is needed for eclipse.
Thanks in advance!
I recommend that you give another shot to the latest version of NetBan. It's really easy to create a GUII have never seen another GUI builder which is so versatile
In addition to this, it will keep your AWT / swing objects separate so that you can know which of them and their Will be able to avoid combinations.
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