Truncation errors importing to SQL Server 2005 from Excel -

Long story short, I'm taking a bunch of Excel documents one by one, and importing them using the Import / Export Wizard.

In a database in SQL Server 2005.

There is a report here (all the processes that do not appear to be a "success") Are there any way to ignore the filtering errors? I'm not taking any advantage in my version, or at least not in my version.

  - Execute (success) - [Datatheev] copy. [DBO]. [Sheet 0 $] (Error) Message * Error 0xc020901c: Data flow Function: Output "Excel Source Output" (9) Output  

column with "Value Meaning Details" (234) There was an error. The column status returned: "The text was truncated or one or more characters were not found in the target code page." (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

  * Error 0xc020902a: Data flow function: "Output column" value  

Mean details "(234)" failed Transaction occurred due to the transaction, and the meaning of the "output column" value specifies failure on the quoted line nature translocation on the description "(234)" There is a transaction error on the specified object of the specified component. (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

  * Error 0xc0047038: Data flow function: SSIS error code  

DTS_E_PRIMEOUTPUTFAILED The prime output method on the component "source - sheet 0 $" (1) returned error code 0xC020902A due to a pipeline engine named primitutput () the component returned the failure code, the failure code is defined by the component, but the error is fatal and The pipeline stopped execution. Error messages can be posted before with more information about the failure. (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

  * Error 0xc0047021: Data flow function: SSIS error code  

DTS_E_THREADFAILED thread "SourceThread0" error code 0xC0047038 It is done. The error messages can be posted before (with the SQL Server Import and Export Wizard) with more information about why it exits from the thread. 0xc0047039: Data flow function: SSIS error Code

DTS_E_THREADCANCELLED The thread "Worktraft 0" has got a shutdown signal and is ending. The user requested a shutdown, or an error in another thread is due to the shutting down of the pipeline. Error messages can be posted before with more information about why the thread was canceled. (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

  * Error 0xc0047021: Data flow function: SSIS error code  

DTS_E_THREADFAILED thread "WorkThread0" error code out of 0xC0047039 It is done. Error messages can be posted before (with the help of more information about why the thread exits out of the thread) (sql server import and export wizard)

  - post-execution (success) message * Notification 0x402090df: Data flow function: Last committed data insert for  

has started (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

  * Notice 0x402090e0: Data Final Function:  

End the Final Confirmation Has gone. (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

  - Cleanup (success) message * Notification 0x4004300b: Data flow function: "component" destination -  

Sheet0 $ "(323)" Written 210 rows (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

wizard Standard uses a small value as the worker size for Excel data found in the wizard in SQL Server 2000. As a result, it often minimizes the data that you are trying to import a quick on the staging table. However, when you do the wizard, a screen will ask you if you want to edit the mapping and you can fix the size of the fields there. Or you can use the first task table to create a table which you want (nvarchar (max) is good if you are considering the first time data and do not know how big the field will be) and then import it into it. With Excel, I know that I have used only a few lines with STLL server to determine the dataset and then failed to insert for records (such as for something like Partner) because this is the first time Based on the records, it was thought that it was an integer when it was actually a string type of data, you could also have a problem like this, so review the Magging Rain is a good idea even if you do not get transaction errors


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