binary - What is “2's Complement”? -

I am in a computer system course and is struggling , in part, together. I want to understand it, but whatever I have read has not taken a picture for me. I have read many other articles, which include.

Therefore, I want to start the Community Wiki post to determine which two are complementary, how to use it and how to use it cost (like signature Signed and vice versa), bit-wise operation and bit-shift operation during the operation can affect the numbers.

What are I hoping for? A clear and concise definition which can be easily understood by a programmer.

Two supplements are a clever way of storing an integer

, You have to think about numbers in binary.

It basically says,

  • For zero, use all 0.
  • For positive integer, maximum 2 (number of bits - 1) -1 Li> For the negative integer, do the same thing, but 0 And the role of 1 (instead of starting with 0000, instead of starting 1111 - this is the "complement" part.)

Try it with a 4-bit mini-byte A - 1/2 is called a byte).

<00> <00> <00> <00> <00> <00> <00> - <00> <00>
  • 0011 < / Code> - three
  • 0100 to 0111 - four to seven
  • until it is We can go into positive 2 3 -1 = 7.

    For negative:

    • 1111 - negative one
    • 1110 - negative two
    • 1101 - negative three
    • 1100 to 1000 - negatively four to negative eight

    Note that you get an additional value for negative ( 1000 = -8) that you do not do for positive. This is because 0000 is used for zero, it can be considered as a computer.

    Distinguish between positive and negative numbers

    Before doing so, the bit is a "sign" bit because it uses between positive and negative decimal values Can be done to differentiate. If the most important bit is 1 , then binary can be called negative, where the most important bit (leftmost most) is 0 , you can say the decimal value is positive .


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