logging - Object Disposed Exception when using .Net Trace Source within VS UNit Tests -

When I tried to call TraceSource.TraceData with your VS2008 unit test project, so I got the object Exception Exception Used to be. I have included a very small code sample below, which repeatedly issues this issue. I'm seeing this after running my first unit test - but in my journey it will increase once on my website and affect me if I run with many users.

This is like the underlying stream, after the first unit test, the 'overflow' gurus can be greatly assisted by the closed ones.


1) VS Make 2008 Unit Test Project

2) Add a class with this code:

  Namespace Tracing Error {Using System.Diagnostics; Use of Microsoft Visual Studio Test Tools Unitatistics; [Test class] public class unit 1 {public status traceSource ts = new trace source ("trace test"); [TestMethod] Public Zero A () {ts.TraceEvent (TraceEventType.Information, 1, "Hello AA"); } [TestMethod] Public Zero (B) {ts.TraceEvent (TraceEventType.Information, 1, "Hello from B"); }}}  

3) Add an app.config to this code:

   & Lt; Remove name = "default" /> & Lt; / Listeners & gt; & Lt; / Source & gt; & Lt; / Sources & gt; & Lt; Switch & gt; & Lt; Add name = "SourceSwitch" value = "Verbose" /> & Lt; / Switch & gt; & Lt; Trace autoflush = "true" indentsize = "4" & gt; & Lt; / Trace & gt; & Lt; /system.diagnostics> & Lt; / Configuration & gt;  

The same problem I run tests using code with the trace Had to face. WriteLine call is running a single test, but many later was triggered following call stack:

  System.IO .__ Trutikvidhiclad () System.IO.StringWriter.Write ( char [] buffer, Int32 index, Int32 count) SystemkDiagnostics SystemkIOkTextWriterkWriteLine (string) System.IO.TextWriter.SyncTextWriter.WriteLine (string value) System.Diagnostics.TextWriterTraceListener.WriteLine (string message). TraceInternal.WriteLine (string message) System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine (string message)  

some investigation I found the following in your test setup After solving the problem by placing the code:

  [Test Initiative ()] Public Zero Setup () (Array.ForH (trace in trace listener TL.Listener where tl.Name! = Select "Default" tl) .Oir (), TL => Trace.List. Remove (TL)); }  

Obviously, when running in the mstest environment, there is a problem with multiple trace listeners MSTEST is adding a system. Diagnostics TextViratorress Listener is using a stream that is dealt with after the first test. The solution alternatively removes all trace listeners, effectively removing the mstest-added listener. The problem is linked to some unfair handling of trace stream created by MSEST. First I said that mstest created an AppDomain for each test. it is not true.

I see that you filed a bug report with Microsoft, but did not get any useful feedback. Hope this quick correction will work for you, as it did for me.


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