internet explorer 8 - Silverlight 2 Does not render content on IE7 IE8 Firefox 3 -

I have a very simple silver light xaml page displays text box and a button.

When I run my application on IE6, then it works fine. But for IE7 IE8 and FF3 - this does not display any content page is blank rendering.

  & lt; Div style = "height: 100%; width: 100%;" & Gt; & Lt; Asp: Silverlight id = "Xaml1" runat = "server" source = "~ / clientbinn / test.expe" minwarson = "2.0.31005.0" width = "100%" height = "100%" htmlAccess = "enabled" / Gt; & Lt; / Div & gt;  

Does anyone have any ideas that are not rendering silver materials?

I got an answer ...! Keeping the questions / answers on the bus stack overflow so that other simulator questions can be answered:

IE7 does not accept IE8 and FF3 value 100% value or width or SL2 object. Change the height and width to PX value (pre 800 px) and this will solve the problem.



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