Accessing a PHP-set memcache key from Python -
I am storing a value using PHP's memorycat extension in memorychab and it's written in Python The web app is trying to recover in the daemon But, no one returns or "throwing the local variable" is "referenced before work" ..
I am sure that I am searching for the same key, and only one amk Server is available local host.) If I try to install a key on a python terminal, then it incorrectly and unset (i.e., I can not retrieve it via PHP) Any ideas? < / P>
default In the form, the PHP client stores the key in the serial format of PHP (which will not do the Python by default). If the Python client does something similar (using its own serialization format), then it will be your problem. / P>
You can always try Telnet / Netcat to see what exactly is being stored.
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