Dynamically altering Silverlight control width/height does not work in Firefox -

I have a Silverlight control that automatically resizes on the basis of its content, as well as changing the size of the browser window You can work it in IE (this is the tag cloud right).

I know that you have to define altitude to define 100% in FF so that control can be displayed.

It does not seem to set down the width and height style properties in FF. C # code for Silverlight Control: I have the following:

  Silverlight object tag .settail property ("width", divWidth + "px");  

And, for height:

  silver object tag .settail property ("height", uxWrapPanel.ActualHeight + "px"); Neither from these functions in FF. 


I think I have found that I am still working on the details, and I There is a need to test regression against IE, but it looks better.


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