php - Does Adobe AIR work on linux ? how do i install because linux does not support exe format -
I'm the beginner so there is some doubt about Adobe Air.
How do I install my air project in Linux, or Mac OS because my project is out. AAR (File Exec.) Does not support OS File?
Is this Adobe air? And another, how can I use an external CSS file to CSS?
Does this support live streaming video in desktop applications? In Flash we are using Adobe Media Server for streaming video. What about Adobe Air?
Does it support encryption and decryption in Adobe Air? If so, how do I get the compatibility with encryption in PHP?
Is it possible to identify pure traffic in Adobe Air?
Please explain if you know someone can help with someone. I've always been waiting for your valuable answer ...
To answer your basic question For ... yes Adobe Aero works on Linux
Google "adobe air linux".
Set fire on a Linux PC and go here:
... You will be given a link to download AIR for Linux .
I use ExtJS help pages with Linux. It installs beautifully, it is an ELF 32-bit executable, not windows. EXE
$ Adobe AdobeIstister BB AdobeInistiler .bb: ALF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SASV), dynamic link uses shared lbs), for GNU / Linux 2.2.5, stripped
< P> Two. Yes. Google will take you to "Edwa Air Movilingual":
Three yes Google "Adobe Air Streaming Video" link like this:
... this talk about how it is done.
Four. Yes. Google "Adobe Air Encryption Library" links such as:
... Talk about archiving encrypted data
But if you have your on- If you are talking about encrypting wire traffic, then the AIR will definitely support HTTPS, I'm pretty sure.
Five I'm not sure what you are saying to this last question: "It is possible to detect pure traffic". What kind of net traffic, and what does "identity" mean?
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