SQLite error: cannot commit transaction - SQL statements in progress using Java Code -
I am facing a SQLite error, although I am not using any explicit AutoCommit true or false . Anyone can provide any input on this error, what is the situation where you will get this error.
Thanks in advance I believe it was a rollback that was not possible. I was inside looping on table entries when I was looping. Unless the cursor is processing the entries, a SQL statement is "in progress" I do not know at all, if it also restricts the commit, but it may be.
When you try to process table entries and insert entries in the same or a different table, you inserts or updates the memory after data and the loop.
Additional information: Generally "Autoclimate" can also be SQLite (it may also depend on the layer which is definitely used - for "true" - I'm using Python and ASPW So I can not tell you much about it in Java). This means that every entry is automatically notified automatically.
==> This may be another solution, instead of storing data in memory, you can try to open a transaction explicitly and commit it after the loop - this The problem should also be overcome by the way.
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