python - how to tell a variable is iterable but not a string -
I have a function that takes an argument that can be either an item or a double item:
DEF iterative (RGR) if #arg is a walkable: print "yes" and: print "no"
is such that:
Yes >>> Iterated (["F", "F"]) Yes >>> Not repeat ("FF") The problem is that the string is technically permeable, so when I'm trying to arg [1]
Not just ValueError could not hold I do not want to use isinstance (), because it has told me is not good practice (either).
Use utility (I do not think why it is bad behavior)
is not an import type if it is not (arg, types.StringTypes):
Note that the use of string type ensures that we have some ambiguous type of string Do not forget about
On the top, this derived string also works for sections.
In addition, Want to keep an eye on
NB: Behavior has not been changed to string type
and basestring
in Python 3. According to your requirements, you can convert them to isinstance
in a subset of str
, or (str, bytes, unicode) in the example
, e.g. . As mentioned for Cython users, you can also use six
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