c++ - Disabling Vista-Style controls in Application -

So I'm trying to recompile an application to add some minor features. Everything is fine, except one thing, except one thing.

The old version has all Windows-Vista-style dialog buttons. The corners are round, the radio buttons look different.

How do I change those things? I want to see it / feel like the original.

EDIT: If someone knows how to make that picture inline, go for it ... I could not get it.

It looks like your version has a classic window style (not Vista). To use the Vista style as "your version", check that there is somewhere in the header below:

  #ifdef_UNICODE # if_my_IX86 #pragma comment (linker, "/ manifestdependency: \ "Type = 'win32' name = 'Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls' version = '' ProcessorArchitecter = 'x86' publicKeyToken = '6595b64144cf1df' language = '*' \" ") #elif Defined _M_IA64 #pragma Comment (Linker, "/ manifestdependency: \" type = 'win32' name = 'Microsoft.Windows.Common-Control' version = '' ProcessorAcurity = 'ia64' publicKeyToken = '6595b64144ccf1df' language = '*' \ " ") #Aliffer defined _M_X64 # progress I comment (linker, "Manifestation: \" type = 'win 32' name = 'Microsoft .indowus.domain-controls' version =' 'processorActractor =' AMD64 'public key token =' 6595b64144ccf1 DF 'language =' * '\ "") #else #pragma Comment (Linker, "/ manifestdependency: \" type =' win32 'name =' Microsoft.Windows.Common-control 'version =' ' '*' PublicKeyToken = '6595b64144ccf1df' language = '*' \ "") #endif #Endif  

If that code is (and I think it should be) you go this Gram should've compiled Unicode version (_UNICODE is defined).

More information You can read about how to enable Vista Common Controls.


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