.net - Advice with Dynamic Forms in ASP.NET MVC -

I am working to provide a dynamic look in an ASP .NET MVC view that will meet these requirements: / P>

  • The fields may be valid
  • The form is invalid when the state is protected

I get a custom I am looking at building model binders. I usually plan to do this:

  1. Form fields are defined with these properties
    • Prompt (label next to the field)
    • Type
    • IsRequired
    • Regular expression (for text areas)
    • Option (for text areas)
    • Display Options
    • The definition of the field is sent to view from the controller
    • The fields are provided in HTML and the Bras
    • The form is sent back to the server
    • One of the custom model binders field definitions Bundles in the collection that are now submitted values ​​
    • Each field is valid
    • If necessary -> should be of value
    • If the RegEx -> Mail
    • For each invalid field, an error message is added to model a model
    • Controller Decides what to do
    • If all fields are valid
      • whatever the fields and their values ​​
    • if
    • Resend the field with your previously tried values ​​
    • Show the verification summary
    • / Li>

I am not sure whether I am doing it in the best or simpler way. From this point of view, will I get many problems or even work? What can I do to improve on that?

I wrote a class library which basically actually described my question to my psuedocode. Does.


Eventually I got to clean my class library. I have added some new features and have created a well-documented demo web application.

It's all I hope it helps someone.


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