debugging - Windbg Thread ID After StackOverflow And Process Shut Down -
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1 chance DLL unload: thread ID but does not have StackOverflowException (I will not expect it later, this point exception has not yet been thrown).
1 chance Stackoverflow: Thread ID but does not have StackOverflowException in it.
1 Stop the chance process (off): StackOverflowException but it does not include thread IDs.
Is there any way, either to configure the adipulus or to run the command in the windbag, to capture the exception and to use the thread ID?
In response to Magnus, is there a few useful information if the thread ID is not available? Moving! Threads give some information, but without both thread ID and exception, there seems to be no where else to go! Clarcec seems more useful than walking! In this case, threads.
The following post is a bit more information about capturing a StackOverflowException, although it is completely Was never resolved
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