iphone - create UIImageView with portion of image file -
I am subclassing
to create a tile-based application. Basically, I have a single I am taking the image file and breaking it into pieces, and then I declare pieces in my tile ( UIImageViews
) so that they can be freely manipulated. What is the best way to capture the part of an image and use it to attract UIImageView
? I thought of overriding the drawRect
and using the CGAffineTransform
, but it seems that there should be an easy way to do this, possibly a CGRect
is sent to UIImageView
, but I do not see the API for this.
here we go:
UIImage * img = [UIImage imageNamed : @ "MyImage.jpg"]; CGRTEMFframe = CGRAtech (X, Y, Tile Wide, Tile High); CGImageRef imageRef = CIMMage Crete with ImageInRect ([IMG CIMMGE], IMG Frame); UIImage * All Image = [UIImage imageWithCGImage: imageRef]; CGImageRelease (imageRef);