Assign Excel Range to a Javascript Array -

I am working on some code to export DataTable in Excel, and I'm trying to make it as fast as possible I am Right now, I am looping through each row and for each column of each row (nested for loops). When I have got a large datatile, then this process may take some time, can I specify a range of cells for an array in JavaScript rather than looping through the column?

Here is a sample of what I am doing.

  = 0; Line index & lt; Json.worksheets.raw.rows.count; RowIndex ++) {row = rowIndex + 2; (Var column index = 0; column index & lt; json.worksheets.raw.rows.values ​​[rowIndex]; height; column index ++) {column = column index + 1 xl worksheet. Seals (row, column) = json.worksheets.raw.rows values ​​[rowIndex] [columnIndex]; }}  

I get JSON data using the AJAX call for web service in my ASP.Net project.

You can do XLWorksheet.Range ("A1: C100"). Value = arr , if arr is an array VARIANT .


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