.net - Why does my datagridviewcolumn not accept changes at this point? -
I am bringing down a firmly typed dataset table in a datagridview. Then by adding a column of the combo box, let's choose the foreign key by name rather than the ID. Perhaps there is an easy way to do this
Can I change the TypeIid column to the ComboBoxexCollum, while still able to back up the datasource in my typed dataset table type? Do I need to get it back from the data source, or is the data conversion back to the dataset automatically?
What's wrong with this code?
formDg fDg; Internal DST TechObjectDetateable ShowAdG (IWWin 32Wondo Owner, DB DB) {FDG = New FormG (); FDg._dg.DataSource = db.getDs (). TechObjects; Var type edit = new datagridviewcombbox column (); Var type = db.getdsObjectTypes (); TypeSelecter.DataSource = Type; TypeSelecter.DisplayMember = "Type"; TypeSelecter.Name = "Type"; TypeSelecter.ValueMember = "ID"; FDg._dg.Columns ["typeID"] DisplayIndex = fDg._dg.Columns.Count-1 FDg._dg.Columns.Add (TypeSelecter); FDg._dg.ReadOnly = false; Application.DoEvents (); For (Int i = 0; I
Although this code works just fine
zero _dg_CellEndEdit (Object Sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) {if (fDg._dg.Column [e. ColumnIndex] .name == "type") {fDg._dg.Rows [e.RowIndex] .sec ["typid"]. Value = fDg._dg.Rows [e.RowIndex] .sec ["type"]. Values; // update typeID column} and if (fDg._dg.Column [e.ColumnIndex] .name == "Type ID") {// Update Type column update timerave (e.ro. index, (int) fdg._dg. Ros [ E. RowIndex] .Cells ["typeID"] value). }}
This code I'm messing in just 2 if I was reading wrong and they were really different
Zero UpdateTypesRow (int RowIndex, int value) {fDg._dg.Rows [rowIndex] .sec ["type"]. Value = value; Using Vbforums.com, I found an example of binding sources and ensured that the datagrid viewer was able to work combo box before it was set up and that it was able to work
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