Python - Subprocess - How to call a Piped command in Windows? -
I have run this command with subprocess
I tried:
proc = subprocess.Popen ('' 'echo bosco |' C: \ Program Files \ GNU \ GnuPG \ gpg.exe "--batch --passphrase-fd 0 --output" c: \ docume ~ 1 \ Same locals ~ 1 \ temporary \ tmptlbxka.txt test.txt.gpg "" --decrypt "'' ', stdin = subprocess.ipip, stdout = subprocess.ipip, stderr = subprocess.STDOUT,) stdout_value, stderr_value = Proc .communicate ()
but found:
Traceback (last most recent call): ... file "C: \ Python24 \ lib \ subprocess .py ", line 542, __init__ errread, errrite) file" C: \ Python24 \ lib \ sub
Li> Running commands on the Windows console works fine
- If I remove the ECHO Bosco part, run it right popen up the run. So I think this problem is related to echo.
First of all, you do not really need a pipe; You are just sending input you can use for it.
Second, do not specify the command as a string; As soon as the file names are included with the blank, this is a mess.
Thirdly, if you really wanted to execute a pipe command, then call the bus. On Windows, I believe this is the CMD / C program name logic. Further Content
Finally, a single back slash can be dangerous: is "
'\\ p'
, but '\ n '
is a new line or use a specified Python out of Python, or just a forward slash.
proc = subprocess.Popen (['C: / Program Files / GNU / GnuPG / gpg.exe', '- batch', '--passphrase-fd', '0', '--output', 'c: /docume~1/usi/locals~1/temp/tmptlbxka.txt', '--decrypt', 'test.txt.gpg',], stdin = subprocess.ipip, stdout = Subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.STDOUT,) stdout_value, stderr_value = proc.communicate ('Bosco')
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