.net - SharePoint API: 2003 vs 2007 -
I've coded a solution that uses the 2007 API to cross the SharePoint object model. Now I have to support SP3, what is the best way to do this?
Is it possible to use the 2007 API to access a 2003 SharePoint form?
If I use the 2007 API, do I use dislike classes (for example) a configuration database reference, or should I use the 2007 classes, such as SPFMM?
Or am I using the 2007 API for SP 2007 and 2003 API for SP 2003 ...? The problem with this is that both use the same namespace and name of the class. So it can be dirty. (What if I am using aliases to refer to different names?)
I still know that the 2007 API and 2003 APIs are incompatible. So yes You will need to implement both of them.
I can suggest interface iSharPoint API and two implementations SharePoint2007API and SharePoint2003API. This implementation can also be packed in different assemblies, so you will not have reference hell :). This will also save you from the 2010 API changes, as you would need, implement SharePoint2010API ...
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