database - Access 2007, Textbox search box like the Facebook name search box on the top right -
So basically I have an AddCompany form, where there is a textbox [CompanyName], I have a new company name there In the meantime, check whether there exists one already, for example, for example, I have to type Microsoft, when I type M, the text box shows the whole group of names with M, And then until I type typing microsoft Moves. In fact, how the Facebook search box works.
How do I apply it to Microsoft Access 2007?
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A very simple version of the same thing, access wizards Can be done if you turn on form wizards in form design and click the combo box button and point to the location in the header of your form, you will get the option to automatically create a combo box Which will see a record which lists some drop In Aun list.
However, keep these things in mind:
It only works when you divide your form into the entire table (which is large Not Recommended for RecordSets)
The built-in code is very bad.
Resolve this problem If you are binding your form in the entire table, the bookmark navigation (with the code generated by the wizard) will be fine. However, I recommend that you use this code instead of the wizard code (assuming that the combo box has a bound column with the record PK ID you want to search):
< Code> Private sub MyComboBox_AfterUpdate () If IsNull (Me! MyComboBox) then exit all with me RecordsetClone .FindFirst "[MyID] =" & amp; me! If not MyCombBox Otherwise if I Third, then me Dirty = Wrong Bookmark mark. The boxmark ends with the expiration end sub
the SQL Rowsource combo box, and this will be something like this:
SELECT Company ID, CompanyName By company name
and you want to define a combo box, 2 columns, first a bound column, and you were setting the width of the first column to 0. The magician moves you to do this and sets it for you. The only thing that is wrong is that, to do this, actually write bad code.
Now, if you are not searching for a unique value, it becomes more complicated, and you may want to use a different approach. Suppose you have a form that people And you want to see people for a particular company. In that case, you may want to filter by CompanyName in that case, as mentioned above, instead of performing a search operation, you may want to apply a filter. In that case, an updated incident after your combo box will be as follows:
Private sub MyComboBox_AfterUpdate () If IsNull (Me! MyComboBox) then exit all. Filter = "[CompanyName] =" & Amp; Chr (34) & amp; me! Mycombobox & amp; Chrome (34) Me.FilterOn = True End Sub
Now, in that case, there will be a column in your combo box, with company name and a hidden ID field, then this is something The extent is different.
I do not like programming like this type of filtering because it is provided by Access UI (you can right click on company name field and in the shortcut menu that pops up, the company name Type in wildcard, and *) Want to filter? Also, when you try to filter, it can be confusing when already there is a filter. If you are just looking at City Corp and then you filter by JP Morgan Chase, you will not find anything. Instead, instead of applying a filter, I would like to change the records of the form. This means that every search will give you a new result and this is the most effective approach. It makes things a bit more complicated in returning to your original starting point, but in a well-designed app, you probably : Only the most subservient of the user's data should be presented in the first place, so the problem of this approach is the "reason" one that gives you a reasonable and efficient user. Trfes does require resolution of which only the data that is really required of the user.
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