.net - CASPOL, FullTrust and running an ActiveX Control in IE with FullTrust based on URL -

I have set an active X control to run on a webpage The server is capable of serving this webpage on its own. , But intranets and other machines on the internet are not able to use it.

The caspol settings look like this:

Code Group:

  1 All code: FullTrust 1.1. Zone - Miechopter: Fullstrost 1.1.1 Strong name - (Excluded): Full Trust 1.1.2. Strong name - 00000000000000000400000000000000: Full Trust 1.2. Zone - Intranet: Fulltrust 1.2.1. All codes: Single site Web 1.2.2 All code: FIIO FILE in the same directory - 'Reading, Path Discovery' 1.3. Zone - Internet: Internet 1.3.1 All Code: Same Site Web 1.4 Zone - Incredible: None 1.5 Zone - Reliable: Internet 1.5.1 All Codes: Same Site Web 1.6 - http: // MYSERVERNAME / APPLICATIONNAME / *: Full Trust success  

The application I am attempting to use is group 1.6. Am I doing something wrong here?

[edit] The IEDebug error log on the machine displays a long exception while trying to access control from the intranet, most notably:

  System.Net.WebPermission was the first permission to fail: & lt; IPermission class = "System.Net.WebPermission, System, Version =, Culture = Neutral, Public Key Token = B77A5C 561934A989" version = "1" & gt; Before long I had read somewhere. Net user control, url proof do not work only site and zone proof work.  
  caspol -machine -quiet-addgrouptrusted_jon -site mysite.com FullTrust -name mysite -description "Provide trust for code from code group mysite.com"  

You can do this for each zone.

When using IE8, make sure mysite.com is added to the Trusted sites list. I'm not sure the protected mode should be closed.

When you are on a 64-bit system, two capsules are with different permissions:

  • C: \ Windows \ Microsoft.NET \ Framework \ V2.0.50727 \ caspol.exe
  • C: \ Windows \ Microsoft.NET \ Framework 64 \ v2.0.50727 \ caspol.exe

I have 32-bit capsules But allow me a lot of time, and then beating my head against the wall because it will not work I use 64-bit IE8 because IEDebug.log has been created by permissions on both versions Best to.


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