Objective-C: Reading a file line by line -

What is the proper way to deal with large text files in Objective-C? Suppose I have to read each row separately and treat each line as an NSString. What is the most effective way to do this?

A solution is using the NSString method:

  + (id) stringWithContentsOfFile: (NSString *) path encoding: (NSStringEncoding) Anch Error: (NSError ** ) Error  

and then split the line with a new line separator, and then repeat the elements again in the array. However, it is quite inefficient. There is no easy way to treat the file as a stream, instead of just reading it at all, instead of being told in each line? Just like Java's Java.O.Buffard Reader.

This is a great question I think is a good example of @didric The answer is, though it is unfortunate that there is no mechanism for what you really want to do in Cocoa.

You have the amount of n bytes (very similar to java.io.bufferedReader ), but you can convert it to a NSString by yourself , Then Scan for Newline (or whatever other delimiter), and save any next character, or more characters to read next, if no new line has yet been read. (You can read a NSData , which you can convert to a NSString , but this is essentially the same process.)

Apple is the one who can help fill out the details, and if you are going to deal with the uint8_t * buffers, can also help.

If you want to read the wire in this way (especially in different parts of your program) it would be a good idea to explain this behavior in a class that details for you, or NSInputStream (this can sub-clinging) and by adding methods that allow you actually read what you want.

For the record, I think it will be a good feature to add, and I will file an increment request for something like that which makes it possible. : -)

Edit: This request expires already exists for a radar 2006 (for ADR-internal people (rdar: // 4742914).


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