Suppressing command-line from Visual Studio (05/08) output -

I am trying to suppress command line from output in visual studio - my plan / Nologo On the command line - but I can not find any location in the application settings or IDE settings to do this.

I might have some clarity, but in reality

edit : I can best describe which problem in the following scenario:

  • I have a solution Many projects
  • I created F7 (or configured via Configuration Manager to configure all) to hit F7,
  • In order to step through the warnings / errors in the project, I Ra)
  • At the beginning of the output of each project (which usually has 0 warnings and 0 errors) is a statement such as the following:

    "c : Windows \ Microsoft.NET \ Framework \ v3.5 \ Csc.exe / noconfig / nowarn: 1701,1702 / errorreport: signal / warning: 4 / defined: trace / reference: "c: \ Program F Iles \ reference assembly \ Microsoft \ Framework \ v3.5 \ System.Core.dll "/ reference: c: \ WINDOWS \ Microsoft.NET.Framework \ v2.0.50727 \ System.Data.dll / Reference: C: \ WINDOWS \ Microsoft.NET \ Framework \ V2.0.50727 \ System.dll / reference: c: \ WINDOWS \ Microsoft.NET.Framework \ v2.0.50727 \ System.Xml.dll / debug: pdbonly / filealign: 5 12 / Optimize + . .

  • Right Warnings / Errors are correct to show the royal PITA.I do not not display these useless information lines.

equipment | Options | Projects and Solutions | Build & Run | MSBuild project build output verbosity -> silent


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