c++ - Finding smallest value in an array most efficiently -
The array contains n values, and one of the lowest values is the. How can I get the smallest value from the most efficient?
If they are ordered, then you can not do much, but look at every one who N), and when you do, you will know the minimum.
small = & lt; Biggest value & gt; // like element (lt; small) small = element
was a better way to remind me: // like std :: numerical_limits for every element in the standard < Int & gt; Just start small with the first element:
small = element [0]: for each element in the array beginning with <1 (no 0): if (element
wrapped in the header as above.
If you can keep your orange sorted as items, it will be (1) to find it, because you can keep the youngest on the front.
It is as good as it is with arrays.
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