ide - Delphi Package: "The following changes must be made..." never goes away -

my package, which was adapted from Save-As and edited using any other, I get the following message One of the (at Delphi 2007):

======= This package can be compiled before the following changes are made. Choose OK to apply these changes and continue to compile.

  Remove cmSizePanel_Reg. Unit (cm) cmSizePanel_Reg was found in the required package cmExtRzPanel_D2007.  


I right click, and then makes earnings to compile properly. This message, however, never goes away - I compile the package every time.

Here Right-click to get on, "the source View project source using":

  Package cmBaseFrames_D2007; {$ R * .res} {$ 8 align} $ claimed {} {$ BOOLEVAL off} {$ debuginfo on}}} on {$ IMPORTEDDATA on {$ EXTENDEDSYNTAX}} on {$ LOCALSYMBOLS on {$ IOCHECKS {$ {$ OPTIMIZATION the} at} {$ OPENSTRINGS on LONGSTRINGS} {$ OVERFLOWCHECKS off} {$ REFERENCEINFO at} {$ SAFEDIVIDE off} {$ STACKFRAMES off} {$ TYPEDADDRESS off}} {$ WRITEABLECONST {$ off RANGECHECKS on {$ VARSTRINGCHECKS } stop} {$ MINENUMSIZE 1} {$ IMAGEBASE $ 400000} {$ description 'Chief BaseFrames - base frames and associated panels (TcmBaseFrame, etc.)} is required} on {$ IMPLICITBUILD rtl, vcl, Rz30Ctls90, vclx, cmExtRzPanel_D2007 ; In cmBaseFrames_Reg 'cmBaseFrames_Reg.pas' are, 'cmBaseFrameFrame.pas' in cmBaseFrameFrame {cmBaseFrame: TFrame}, 'cmBaseSizeableFrameFrame.pas' in cmBaseSizeableFrameFrame {cmBaseSizeableFrame: TFrame}; End.  

"cmSizePanel_Reg" is no longer in the project, and it does not appear in the Project Manager panel. It seems that it is "hidden" somewhere in the database for one of the uses of the Delphi package, but where I'm not visible. Any idea how to stomp out this little discomfort without having to complete the package again from scratch?

Try to see through your .dproj XML for the package. The .dproj files are getting corrupted and do not fit into the file list in the DPR, thus there is a habit for the head of strange problems.


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