api - Strange Google StreetView Internet Explorer warning -
I have a small problem with a SWT.Browser widget that throws a lot of trouble alerts.
I tried to test the Google StreetView API in a browser, so I created this page (in fact I did not do anything, pasted it with snippets of Google.) And I get the following message:
(Huff, is not it?)
My code is very simple (here it is)
Public static void Main (string [] args) {disks Le display = Display.getDefault (); Shell shell = new shell (display); Shell.setText ("Temporary API Google AVCC United Nations SWT.Browser"); Shell.setLayout (new gridlate ()); Last Browser Browser = New Browser (Shell, SWT.BORDER); Browser.setLayoutData (New Grid Data (SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true)); Browser.setText ("& lt;! DOCTYPE HTML Public \" - // W3C // DTD XHTML 1.0 Strongly //n \ "\" http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict Dtd \ "& gt;" + "& lt; html xmlns = \" http: //www.w3.org/1999/xhtml \ "mlns: v = \" vase: schemas-microsoft-com: vml \ "& "+" & Lt; head & gt; "+" & meta http-equiv = \ "content-type \" content = \ "text / html; charset = utf-8 \" / & gt; "+" & Lt; script src = \ "+ Http://maps.google.com/maps? File = api and v = 2.x and key = anykey \" type = \ "text / javascript \" & gt; & lt ; / script & gt; "+" & lt; title & gt; "+" Google Maps JavaScript API example: simple Strytwuv example "+" & lt; / title & gt; "+" & lt; script type = \ " Text / javascript \ "& gt; var myPano; function initialize () {Var fenwayPark = new GLatLng (42.345573, -71.098326); Panormaopeshns = {latlng: fenwayPark}; myPano = new GStreetviewPanorama (document.getElementById (\ "pano \"), panorama option); GEvent.a DdListener (myPano, \ "error \", Nonflas handle);} function handle Nonflas (error code) {if (errorcode == FLASH_UNAVAILABLE) {alert (\ "error: Flash does not supported by your browser \"); ;}} & Lt; / Script & gt; "+" & Lt; / Head & gt; "+" & Lt; Body onload = \ "initialize () \" onunload = \ "GUnload () \" & gt; "+" & Lt; Div name = \ "pano \" id = \ "pano \" style = \ "width: 500 pixels; height: 300px \" & gt; "+" & lt; / Div> "+" & lt; / Body & gt; "+" & lt; / Html & gt; "); shell.open (); while (! Shell.isDisposed ()) {if (! Display.readAndDispatch ()) {display.sleep ();}} Display.dispose ();} < / Code>
The problem can come from the API (more or less) because when I do not include it, I do not get any error, anyway this very page works perfectly on any standard browser More surprising is that if my second script tag was not closed I did not get any error (well then nothing happens And if we go in this way, when there is absolutely no code, then I do not have any errors altogether ..)
Here I stand ... What to do a little bit Confused about ... (Any help is very welcome ...)
posted by browser.setUrl ("" This problem had vanished while displacing all of its HTML code in the file. "" Post-text "itemprop =" text "Http: //my.url-string.html");
So in fact I have this problem But it does not bother me anymore ...
ps: The method to get my local page url (which i have put in the same directory as my java file) class. GetRessource ("My file path that I can add to my class in class")
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