.htaccess - How do I disable CakePHP rewrite routing for a single folder so it can be used as a location for a second application? -
I have a copypiece installation on the root of my domain, now it has come to know that I have to put another app there The subdirectory will be in. How do I disable controller / model redirection in Cake for this directory?
The existing .htaccess in the root folder looks like this:
& lt; Ifmodule mod_rewrite c & gt; Rev. Rewrite Raul (. *) App / WebRot / $ 1 [L] & lt; / IfModule & gt;
I tried to modify it like this, but it has no use:
I know that this is a bit of a hack, but there is no way I can get another app to play well with cake.
The following rules www.example.com and www.example.com/app/webroot/
Rewrite Rule ^ $ App / WebRoet / [L]
This rule is www.example.com/* at www.example.com/app/webroot/* >>
I will remove your rule and in the last rule, Wildcards Regex , (. *)
, so that it matches any string that does not start with bildbank
Something like this can do:
RivetRail ((!! Bildbank). *) App / WebOyet / $ 1 [L]
The following string is:
cake cake. HTM Cake / Test Builder Builder. HTM Builder / Test BillBank Bildbank In HTMT / Bodbank / Test
App / WebTot / Cake App / WebTot / Cake HTML App / WebTot / Cake / Test App / WebRot / Builder app / Webtrot / Builder HTM app / Webtrot / Builder / Test BuildBlink BuildBank Htm bildbank / test
.. Therefore, excluding your bildbank
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