database - SQL: Help with LEFT OUTER JOIN -

It appears that my SQL value is not limited to the results based on .

In my previous post, people should be used to indicate that I join a left exterior.

  select homes.home_id, address, city, state, zip, price, Photo_id, homes homes.home_id = on photo_url_dir Left external home_photos.home_id and primary_photo_group_id = home_photo_group_id and home_photo_type_id = 2 and display_status = include true and 500000 and 1000000  among homes.price home_photos which 

However, it is still displaying homes whose value & LT; 500000

I do not understand.

Thank you for your help.

What do I want to do, why does SQL show up to less than 50000 homes?

I without Homafova with both home and PRICE based on the X and Y parameters ... or SQFT > both with Z I want to show homes But these criteria can two houses with houses and without the need for a to be applied home_photo

This is correct?

  Select homes home_id, address, city, state, zip, price, photo_id, photo_ url Exit home from home Home_photos at home homes Home_id = home_photos.home_id and homes.primary_photo_group_id = home_photos.home_photo_group_id and home_photos.home_photo_type_id = 2 where homes.display_status = true and 500000 and 1000000  to homes.price 

< Div class = "after the text" itemprop = "text">

the last line should not be using b e where and

  where 500000 and 1000000 between homes.price  

The end result is the following SQL:


now where to go before your SQFT

  and home_photos.home_photo_type_id = 2 more SQFT & lt; = Between 500,000,000 and 1000000 homes.price  


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