browser - Print webpage with background images and colors? -
How can I fix a webpage that looks like - what do I mean with background images and colors is?
(in IE)
Best Zisan
IE It is configurable from to check for browser details, though I suspect that you are looking for a CSS solution. I am unable to finish it in fashion continuously.
Probably I have seen the best solution. It includes list-style ... to try to get the rules for a job. Best wishes
Editing - Dragged from
#ti \ tle {/ * 6. * / display: list item; / * 1. * / list-style-image: url (banner.jpg); / * 2. * / list-style-position: inside; / * 3. * / letter-difference: -1000Em; / * 4. * / font-size: 1pt; / * 5. * / Color: #FFF; Some comments: - We give our h1 the list item characteristics.
- We show that our banner image is list-style-image.
- Firefox wants you to insert this image inside.
- We make that the text disappears into a black hole through the image of the machete (MIR) replacement.
- MIR does not work in Opera, we set the font size to 1pt and make the text white. It works fine with Opera's default print settings Other image replacement techniques rely on mechanisms to move or hide, all of which will hide our image. So small, white text.
- As the list-style-image is not supported in IE5 and IE5.5, we remove these browsers with a simple escape hack.
That's it. It works in IE 6, Firefox 1.0 and 1.5 and Opera 8.5 - do not know about Safari, but I hope there will be no problem. The Konqueror shows a black "H" just below the 3.5 banner - however,
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