What could cause issues with JavaScript setting cookies? -
I have an app that is run on compiled DLL on a web server with some single sign on (એસએસઓ) integration with the app , And the only way I can perform the "Inject" functionality is to modify an external javascript file that is referenced.
In the Javascript file to set cookies with that session's session ID, some code blocks I tried to add more cookies and add code so that I can read the cookie from any other subdomain / I can not, but cookies are not set!
I call the same cookie set function with a different name and it does not work I was debugging with Firefox and the javascript code was called for my new cookies, but then Also, no new cookies! I also see existing cookies being updated!
Function set cookie (name, value, expired, path, domain, secure) {document.cookie = name + "=" + escape (+) (+ expires) + "; Expires = "+ expires.toGMTString ():" ") + ((path)" "; path =" + path: "") + (domain)? "; Domain =" + domain: "") + (( Secure)? "Safe": "");}
And here is the code that calls it:
var twoHours = 1800 * 1000; Var expDate = new date (); var secondsexer = expDate.getTime (); expDate.setTime (expDate.getTime (+ + two hours); setcookie ("mysession", 123456789, expDate, "/", null, false); Setcookie ("mylastConnect", secondExpire, expDate, "/", null, false);
. This should make cookies accessible to all subdomains of EXPO.com (but not , You must enter another cookie). Check your browser's cookie settings, but I think you have done that.
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