django - Unable to find/build a commenting system similar as at Djangobook -

I want to open my notes in the same way as if. I have not found any open source systems on the website. I am particularly interested in vertical commenting system.

This suggests that I need to make myself one for the open source.

How will you prepare a similar comment as a website

Each paragraph ( & lt; p & gt; ) contains an ID ( cn0, cn1, etc.) and a square ( cn < / Code>). This is the only part of the comment system given to the text, besides the div on the page which acts as a popup, which also has a comment form.

The rest is done with javascript. When the page loads, they send back an AJAX request to get the number and location of all the comments in the document. It looks like:

  [[0,4], [3,2], ...]  

With it, it adds a

When you click on the bubble, another AJAX request is initiated to receive comments for that bubble. In this case, they send the actual HTML to a render instead of a JSON object like <.

On the backend (this is all speculation now) they are typing each set of comments and a place in that document (this allows them to show all comments for a document at a time) I would probably use the built-in comments app to do this, and by creating a model to link both items into packages and documents in a foreign key, or the model of the comment itself as a sub-class Will package through.

Hope this will take you in the right direction. You can probably learn and learn by looking at it, but it has been reduced, so it is very difficult to read <(s): (updated: unrecognized JS has been found) They are building on YUI, but the code is very straight forward.


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