git - How do I use GitHub through harsh proxies? -
Looking at the following constraints, how can I use GIFT from Windows and Unix?
Edit or create the file ~ / .ssh / config
Proxy Commands / USR / bin / Corkscrew proxy 443% h% p ~ / .ssh / myauth host user git port 22 hostname identity file "/ media / truquet 1 / kas / guitkeys ..private" tpkpelive yes recognize that's just yes Ssh.github .com user git port 443 hostname identity file "/ media / truccit 1 / KAS / GuitBooque's ..private "TCPKPlayView Yes Only Yes
If everything is set up properly, then you have to ssh
should be able to run and view
Hi user! You have successfully verified, but GitHub has not provided shell access.
connection closed for
If this does not work then you get the ssh ssh
and get the exact same thing if the first command was not working, it means That you are using a proxy that connects on Block 22. Almost no proxy block is connected to 443 because you need SSL.
- Download.
- "Use OpenSSH" (this is a very important one)
- Select the end of your line
- Downloads Please. This tool has the capability of its specific post because its clear simplicity mirrors this open source tool corkscrew and is used for tunneling through a proxy. Yes, the name of the device is actually "connected." Is called. For Windows users, a pre-compiled binary is available. I put
inc: \ windows \ connect.exe
. - Determine whether you want to use Windows
cmd Exe
to open the baggage or signature style or both. -
Set the Sigwin Git Bash shell open.
Sigvin style Start Git icon Shell and edit the file
has no extension in ~ / .ssh / Config
and make sure the file. Keep the following in that file, and note that the paths are specifyingProxyCommand /c/windows/connect.exe.h 443% h% P Host user Git port 22 hostname IdentityFile "/c/Keys/GitHubKey.private" TCPKeepAlive Yes IdentitiesOnly Yes Host user Git port 443 hostname IdentityFile " / C / key / gitHubKey.private "TCPKeepAlive Yes IdentitiesOnly Yes
Set up Windows
Suppose you do not like opening a ghit bash. You prefer CMD.exe interpreter.
c: \ Documents and Settings \ .ssh \ config - Go to your config file, make a copy of it or create a new one
config-windows is called
Keep special attention to the following in the file, then the path separator and styles.
Proxy Commands C: / Window / Connected.exe -h 443% H host% User GIT Port 22 Hostname Aidentitifail "C: \ keys \ GitHubKey.private" TCPKeepAlive Yes IdentitiesOnly Yes Host user Git port 443 hostname IdentityFile "C: \ Key \ GitHubKey.private" TCPKeepAlive Yes IdentitiesOnly Yes
For full details, see.
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