How do I find common files changed between git branches? -

I have an upstream repository with some changes. I have local changes that I want to rebase on upstream changes. I want to change the files that have changed locally. I have also changed the upstream so that I can see any automatic merging. Alternatively, I would like to merge manually during rebase.

slightly expanded: make the first part of the question for you, create a new branch, and resubmit it freely , And then compare the copy of your work.

  Workshop of git branch GIT commit # to get your local people in their branches  

You can only "GIT Defrif / Original / Branch Taurus"

For Interactive Part:

  GIT Rebase - Interactive  

To "edit" all the commands Set up and you will be taken through each one through one-by-one so that you will get a chance to see it all. The contents of your heart.

Edit to respond to comments

OK, to view the converted files strictly, do this:

  git log a0a0a0 ..b1b1b1 --name-only --pretty = oneline | Egrep -v '^ [a-f0- 9] {40}' | Sort | Uniq & gt; List GIT log a0a0a0..c2c2c2 --name-only --pretty = oneline | Egrep -v '^ [a-f0- 9] {40}' | Sort | Uniq & gt; List of cat list | Sort | Uniq -d  

That bit of shell clause will show you only those files that were changed in both logs. For A0a0a0, use your normal point

Replace B1 / C2 strings with suggestions of two disruptive branches.


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