java - Can I connect to a jsadebugd process on a remote machine from Eclipse/IDE debugger? -

I have a Java process running on a Linux box, but it can not start / restarted in debug mode is. I read about the command and started the daemon, but I can call it IDE (possibly eclipse) or maybe you want to connect to your kit or gensallol. how can I do this? Remote JVM is 1.6+

I believe that since you mentioned your kit and other device If you want to do exactly what you want to do then object state has some options inside your applications, although I do not think it will give you the ability to install eclipse such as a breakpoint or any other debugger (although I will be interactive at the hearing Process debug mode in debug mode Prevents you from doing - technical? Process?)

  1. Have you tried connecting like this? I do not believe you need to start in debug mode, and it will will give you the ability to navigate the object graph and observe the object. You can also take hippoods to use it and can do some ad hoc analysis through questions.

  2. If you are running on JDK6 + 6 - have you tried the device with beta? Some seem to be promising, and like DTress in Solaris, it seems that it will be useful in different situations.


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