c# - Usage Of Lambda Expression in Practical Programming -
I am an experienced developer in C # and I have been working on the LOB application for the last 7 years, I have used it for its use. There are some problems in understanding. Lambda expression in programming
As far as I understand, it is useful in working with LINQ (group, selection, ou ... etc).
We can create generic lambda functions that can logic and any datatype as any datatype variable, eg
MyFirstLambdaFunc ((VAL1, Val2) => VAL1 + val2) Public R MyFirstLambdaFunc (Func lambdaexpression, T x, TY) {R Result = lambdaexpression (X, Y); Return result;
Coding can be compact
The question now is:
- Are there any other benefits?
- When we pass the Lambda expression as a function, can we only pass a line operation?
- Do anyone have some case studies or some practical examples? Thanks in advance
Harish Bhattabhatta
< P> For non-expression trees, you can definitely write multi-line lambda quote. Just this morning I wrote with some of my lines:
var query = foo.Select (x => {string text = x.value; int delimitedIndex = text.IndexOf ('' ) To return int.Parse (text.Substring (0, delimitedIndex);});
Lambda expressions can be useful almost anywhere that you appropriate Simple implementation.
To provide another case, suppose you want to start several threads to work on many values (we ignore this fact that we have many threads Have been - The same technique can also be used for threads.) You can use something like this:
foreach (string url in url) {// little carat cementix string url copy = Url; New thread ((=) = FetchUrl (urlCopy). Start ();}
This is normally difficult in a typed way - Parameterated Path to Start
, but it is not normal, so it becomes misplaced. F is IMO.