delphi - Frame inheritance and duplicate files in packages -
I am developing several components using TFrames and ModelMaker - I've found a combination of visual design / development + heritage + The ideal manufacturer is very strong. Then I register these TFrame descendants in the registration / registration unit, and they are filled with palette-based components from there. I am using the Delphi 2007.
At the beginning of learning about the small "snags" of this process, I found that many problems that I wrongly see in the streaming TFrame lineage (usually in forms of IDE instead of frames) Can be completely eliminated, which can be completely eliminated from starting my own "Tibesframe" class, which is processed with TFrame with no channels, and then those components (such as methods , Qualities Base to develop the components of the) is used as the class. Streaming DMM file often gets confused if I get a class / frame directly from TFRM, properties and methods etc.
So, after working, this work was good overall,
Yesterday, however, I had a new problem:
I package the resulting components Setting in sets, I am grouped in ways that understand (ie, all "panels" for the app are in one package, one number of "viewer" for app 2 is in another, etc.).
If the TibesFreem class is not included in the package, the Inheritance TFrame-descendant component will not load IDE but, if I add TBaseFrame to the package, then I am in opposition to the Delphi report when one There is only one source PAS file in the package.
I could my frame = based components in a huge package, but I really do not really like because I can see clearly that over time too much Will go out of hand / hand, I plan to set up how many sets of plans for nature's development. What is the other way to resolve this conflict?
Update - This is a trick to "work properly" - be sure to read the comments below.
Have you tried putting your TBaseFrame in a separate package that is required by all other packages " " Will happen?
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