graphics - Percentage Error for 2 sets of 3D points -
I have a reference set of n points, and another set which 'approximates' all those points I approximate And how to get a full / percent error between my reference set.
Put in other words, I have canned animation and simulation. How do I know that in the case of a single number 2 is the 'flow' between 2? That is, how good the simulation is as per the estimation of the verticals compared to the animation.
I actually do something for all corners in this way: | Real - references | / | Real | And then partially divide the number of errors. Is it true?
Should this measurement actually be a percentage value? I guess you have a reference set, and then many sets which estimate this set and you want to choose one that is "best".
I will add the squared distance between the real and the references:
avgSquareDrift = sum (1..n, | real-reference | ^ 2) / numvertices
The main advantage with this approach is that we do not need to implement the square root, which is a costly operation.
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