How to auto-remove trailing whitespace in Eclipse? -

There are two parts to the question, for which I already have the answer.

  1. How to remove the previous white spot from Editing the entire file ? -> Answer: The file can be set to do so on any save to use.
  2. Only <1> from the previous white location <-> I do not know this and would appreciate any help.
    1. Whitespace is being edited with the full file <
    2. Save -> Check Select performed actions when saved -> Check Additional Actions -> Configure -> Go to the Code Events tab -> Check Remove the white space on the back -> Select All Rows .

      << Ol>

      Preferences ->

    Kbd> Java -> Editor -> Save Actions -> Check " Save selected actions -> check format source code -> select format formatted lines .

    Note that configuring the formatting settings on formatter page is not necessary - All code style laces are automatically included in removing backward white space. I did not find any setting in the format configuration, and it works outside the box for Java Convent, Eclipse, Eclipse 2.1 styles as well as the box.

    While using this set - Up, you should explicitly close resolve part 1 of the question.

      Eclipse version was checked: 4.5.2  


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