Using sleep within iPhone apps (esp. with UINavigationController) -
I am quite new to the development of the iPhone, but I'm close to releasing my first app (from the website I run related) . The app needs a very large database and in this way I have decided to store only the most commonly used data locally, my website closes after removing the other website from the database through the JSON web service call is.
Whilst performing a service to kill a web service call-based simulator (Live DB) I was expecting it on the phone while it was taking longer. These calls appear to be worse when compared to the original searches. To reduce the relative distinction, I wanted to insert a fake interstitial (page with activity indicator) for the original searches (already searching one for web service), but with the time of the navigation controller There is a problem, when it combines with sleep (N).
However, the search section of my app is on a new controller tab tab controller tab. While trying to use code like this: <> [[tabBarController.viewControllers objectAtIndex: 0] pushViewController: (UIViewController *) are waiting admin animated: Yes]; Sleep (2);
I think before pushing Push always waits for sleep when I want the effector to be pushed to the controller and then wait for two seconds before continuing the app. Simulate the process.
I have some other strange results, which push NavController, on some occasions, I have experienced that when two different view controllers were mashing, when I pushed one to the underlying place I want to push it into my place with the title of only one.
I am sure that there is a fundamental lack of understanding of my part by which I am guilty.
sleep prevents
main thread from which to freeze the UI You can.
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