iphone - GPS application with CLCorelocation -

I am developing a GPS application in which I need to track device / iPhone speed.
I'm using CLCorelocation API to locate the referral code provided by me the apple. My problem is that LocationManager does not update current latitude and longitude, so I'm unable to speed up the device / iPhone as well as calculating distance.

Any kind of suggestion / code will be highly appreciated Please suggest that I can do something with the mapkit framework introduced in SDK 3.0.

Check Apple.

CLLocationManagerDelegate method By implementing locationManager: doneUpdateToLocation: fromLocation : You can get latitude and longitude updates from your CLLocationManager .

Also, since you want to check the speed of the device, you might want to set up distanceFilter and the desired qualification your From CLLocationManager to kCLDistanceFilterNone and kCLLocationAccuracyBest respectively.

If you can get a copy, then one chapter (# 1 4) is dedicated to using CoreLocation which I found beneficial. Lastly, although it is not centered on core lection, Apple's tutorials include core leona data that you can find useful.

Edit: Specific to calculate the speed.


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