- What response time overhead would you expect for a webservice request compared to a simple file request? -
I am developing an ASP.NET webservice application to provide JSON-formatted data which is the source of jQuery.ajax Uses Requests I am using the Firebug Net View to ensure that the request for the data takes longer.
In my initial prototype I was just requesting stable JSN data files, which was clearly returned very quickly to my dev machine IIS - in approximately 2 to 5 misses, even though the browser's cache Not present in
I am now connected to the website, I am worried that the data requests are very slow, because they are continuously taking back around 200ms (this is also done after the first request, which compiled the goods Is doing and takes approximately 6 whole seconds.) I have removed all the database / processing overhead from the web request, so it should take a very short time to process, and it is still running Local Dev Machine, hence no network Hundred no latency overhead release is not better to build and production servers.
My question is:
Is this the response to this 200ms time best I can expect from the .net web service which is just returning 'Hello World'? If it is possible to do better then what can I do wrong on earth? If this is not possible, what would you do instead?
If it is actually doing nothing, after connecting to the database etc., Be able to get better response time.
If you measure time on the server side instead of the client side, what do you see? Have you tried using WireShark to see what is going on in the network?
Actually you want to prepare as much time line as possible, showing that when the customer sent the request, when your server-side code received the request, your server-side code ended the request. , When the server actually responded and when the customer actually received a response.
At that point, you have to do the job where the obstacle is.
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