c++ - Boost asio ip tcp iostream Error Detection -
Greetings I'm just starting to promote: In the beginning of the ASIO Library and promoting some of the early difficulties. : Asio :: ip :: tcp :: iostream
My question has two parts:
1) How does an iostream connect by using a host and port number?
I and [boost.org] examples can work fine in coded form. The server explicitly specifies the port:
boost :: asio :: io_service io_service; Tcp :: End Point Endpoint (TCP :: V4 (), 13); TCP :: acceptor acceptor (io_service, end point);
Port 13 is a famous port for "time of day" service.
The client's example connects by specifying a host and service name:
tcp :: iostream s (argv [1], "time of day");
For my own application, I want to put the server on an arbitrary port and connect to the number as shown below:
Server: < / P>
Promotion: asio :: io_service io_service; Tcp :: End Point Endpoint (TCP :: V4 (), Port); TCP :: acceptor acceptor (io_service, end point); Acceptor.accept (* this-> socketStream.rdbuf ()); ...
Promotion :: asio :: ip :: tcp :: iostream sockstream; ... sockstream.connect ("localhost", port); ...
If, in the customer, I try to specify the port number directly (instead of a service by name), the stream fails to connect. Is there any way of doing it? It is not clear whether the logic should be / what to connect.
2. What is the best way to test the success of call to Iostream :: connect?
The function returns zero, and no exception is thrown. The only way I have prepared so far is to test this stream. File () and / or stream.good () Is this the way to do it, or any other way.
Advice on one or both of these will be appreciated. Apart from this, if I am ignoring proper documentation and / or examples, it would be good to do so so far I could not answer the questions by reading the library docs or searching the net.
I do not know why ASIO does not work (at least with boost 1.35.0) A port number was expressed as an int but, you can specify the port number as a string. I.e.
tcp :: iostreams (hostname, "13"); takes up and is a reference to the endpoint and boost :: system :: error_code
object which will tell you that it is successfully connected.
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