c# - Drawing an Image to a subItem in the ListView -

My listview is set in Detail view with the following column header:

Image Name || Image space || Image size || Image Preview

I would like to know what is the way to draw an image in the fourth column there. The only way I know, set

  this.listview1.OwnerDraw = true this.listView1.DrawColumnHeader + new system.windows.form.diallistview columnheaderAventHandler (listView1_DrawColumnHeader); This.listView1.DrawItem + new system.window.form. Drilledistimate event handler (listView1_DrawItem); This.listView1.DrawSubItem + = New System.window.form.aldlistViewsubewithIvageHandler (listView1_DrawSubItem);  

The problem with this is that I have to handle all the catalogs myself ... I was wondering if there is a better way of attracting a subtitle in the image or if someone How to handle DrawSubItem events only? listView1_DrawColumnHeader and listView1_DrawItem event handler in

It should be

  e.DrawDefault = true;  

This will use the default drawing implementation for columns and objects, just write your own implementation for sub-mates.


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