TinyMCE/MCImageManager path problems -

I am making all kinds of strange issues with the path in tinyMCE. I'm not sure if I have to do with MCIme Money, then I will try to summarize my setup:

I've got a net website. Right now the application is rooted

tiny_mce is hosted in ~ / tiny_mce, the image manager plugin ~ / tiny_mce / plugins / imagemanager

~ / upload, where I want the images To be uploaded / managed

~ / tiny_mce / plugins / imagemanager / web.config has this key: & lt; Add key = "filesystem.rootpath" value = "../ .. / code /

in the add key =" preview.urlprefix "value =" {proto}: // {Host} / ap / / / / gt; account root is not on the hostname route due to the account (seriously, I should not have had this hardcode ... but this is another issue)

So far the best - When I browse with the Image dialog in TinyMCE, I get an image browser and it browses the correct folder

When I select an image the strangeity starts "Insert / Edit Image. In the "Image URL" box on the form She is here:

../ APPOT / upload / Image.JPG

App? what rubbish? It should not be just "upload / image.jpg"?


  tinyMCE.init ({// ..... relative_arls: true, remove_script_host: true, document_base_url: 'http: // localhost / APP /' });  


  mcImageManager.init ({relative_urls: true, remove_script_host: true, document_base_url: 'http: // localhost / APP /'}) ;  

I can not tell whether another is necessary, or doing anything

from where "OT" is coming? I believe its existence is not understandable how to use document_bas_arnal.

If I reset the url prefix in the original setting: , I finally:

../ upload / DSCF0546.jpg

Which actually looks a bit closer Any "OT" is not garbled in there, But this is a directory.

Does anyone know what's going on?


Example Configuration

  • Your Web is www.example.com DocumentRoot / var / www -data /
  • You can upload images to / var / www / uploads / images
  • <<>
  • <

    • / var / www / uploads / images
    • set preview.urlprefix to http://static.example.com Code> (or // static.example.com )

    extended interpretation

    when wild 'ds' Rkt is!

    Issue with Moxiecode_ManagerE is Ngine :: convertPathToURI which uses a piece of code $ uri = substr ($ abs_path, strlen ($ root)); where $ abs_path is "server" path ( /var/www/uploads/images/image.png ) and $ root Is $ root = $ this- & gt; GetSiteRoot (); . By default, MCIE Scientist tries to "guess" the URL (it estimates incorrect / var / www-data / ) In my case, I uploaded the files to different servers where the cortal was a bit different. So substr to $ abs_path

      substr ('/ var / www / uploads / images / image.png', completely unrelated to Strangel ('/ var) Section has been deleted / Www-data / ')) ==' Ds / image / image page ' 

    To fix this, you must preview.wwwroot Config Directive must be set. If set, then it has been returned from getSiteRoot and accordingly it has been snatched.

      substr ('/ var / www / upload / image / image .png', strlen ('/ var / www /')) == 'upload / image / image.png' Code:  

    code code: Moxiecode_ManagerEngine :: convertPathToURI is dumb and it should be fixed, but this solution is sufficient enough.


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