How can I programatically determine the location that Flash stores Local Shared Objects -
I am writing some automated acceptability tests for Flash movies (running Moving using iMacros).
I need to "reset" the test environment before running each test, setting the flash in local shared objects.
I can do this manually by deleting these files:
C: \ Documents and Settings {UserName} \ Application Data \ Macromedia \ Flash Player # Shared Object \ FQSTGCV7 \ {Site-url}
Obviously I want to automate this extinction phase; But I am wondering how to determine the above path in a non-machine-specific manner.
In Net,
"C: \ Documents and Settings {User Name} \ Application Data \ Macromedia \ Flash Player # Shared Object \" is clearly
Cobain (Environmental Gatefolterpath (Environmental specialfolder.exceptiondata, @ "Macromedia Flash Player \ # Lion Objects")
How can I find out how "FQSTGCV7" will be on a different machine ? Is there an environment variable? Is there only 1 directory under the Sharst objects?
I'm not sure how series of characters are determined, though it is true That it always ends with the site-url. To believe me, I should be able to work for a simple bit rigax / string mailing. Just check the file ending in the URL of your site.
In addition to this, it is possible to flush your own data by pushing the empty data of the LSO files easily, and by going to the Settings menu of the Flash Player By dialing down the 0 to the desired location for Lso, closed settings, and then open the settings and it can flush all data from dial to dial. 100k None of these can apply in your case, but they come in handy.
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