iphone - NSException thrown loading a XIB file with a UITextView -

I have a XIB file with a UITextView, which I'm associating with a UITextView * outlet in my controller :

  @ Introlfa MyController: UIViewController & lt; UITextViewDelegate & gt; {IBOutlet UITextView * textView; } @ Property (Nonatomik, written) Aibiotlet Uaitikd Witch * Tekstwu;  

I have not implemented any way to follow the prototype in desperation, I representative.

My view would tap on my main XIB file when I contextual tab bar button has been loaded with a defined tab bar, so is throwing an exception immediately (before any control methods). Call stack looks top (debugger) to like this:

  # 0 0x93829bc6 - [NSException increase] # 1 0x9157f8f8 in 2 0x9157f35e in _NSSetUsingKeyValueSetter # - [NSObject (NSKeyValueCoding) setValue: ForKey :] # 3 0x91603f81 - [NSObject (NSKeyValueCoding) setValue: forKeyPath:] # 4 0x30c1fadb - [UIRuntimeOutletConnection Connect] # 5 0x9381ebe5 - [NSArray makeObjectsPerformSelector:] # 6 0x30c1e629 - - [UINib instantiateWithOptions: Owner: loadingResourcesFromBundle:] the # 7 0x30c2068c - [NSBundle (NSBundleAdditions) loadNibNamed: owner: option] # 8 0x30ac6f26 - [UIViewController _loadViewFromNibNamed: bundle:]  

it appears that the problem set some That text Shy outlet I believe that this is related to UITextView because if I text view would note the related code and would like to remove the text view from XIB, the scene right there is no error message on the right console

< P> Is there any special idea with UIT-specific elements created in IB? I set it on the linked Aibiotlet in my code and representative 'files Manager (I even without a representative tried it).

In your tab view, did you set a proprietary class in the microcontroller for the tab, where Have you set up your XIB? If you do not do this, you will get such a selector setup error. A little on this pulled my hair.


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