sql - Concatenate column values from rows -
I SQL Server I am using a Taimset usable system with 2000 backend I more than 1 so many rooms and tutors in different forms by changing the different rows different can turn into different lists I have used the code below in this code:
DECLARE @ tartar varchar (8000) SELECT @ Tutors = isnull (@Tutors + '+', '') + name fROM (SELECT CT_EVENT_STAFF .event_id, CT_EVENT_STAFF.weeks, CT_STAFF.unique_name, celcat200809.dbo.CT_EVENT_STAFF AS CT_EVENT_STAFF left oUT of CT_STAFF.name ER Select 200809.dbo.//STAFF AS CT_STAFF at CT_EVENT_STAFF.staff_id = CT_STAFF.staff_id WHERE event_id = @eventID) data_set print @ tutors
Event_ID is a unique event, it only works when when will I know the exact ID, I think it's a way of doing this for each individual event_id without can not
what the cursor goes to every ID? Its possible solution to use a UDF is my second problem, the timetalling system (CEKKAT) creates a new database for each year (I do not know), then I would have SQL Dialogue i.e. next year's database celcat200910, I believe That dynamic SQL can not be run in the UDF. The
Please remember to SQL Server 2000
If you still suggest Achchhaga You can use a view in the form, but instead of redirecting it to a table, select it together tables. The year / month can be divided into columns if it has not already been done and you need it. Select
as UNIFIED_CT_STAFF Select year = 2008, month = 9, exclusive_name, name by FROM celcat200809.dbo CT_STAFF Union selection year = 2008, month = 10, unique_name, name From celcat200810.dbo.//STAFF
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